landuse_data_module Module

Used by

  • module~~landuse_data_module~~UsedByGraph module~landuse_data_module landuse_data_module proc~actions actions proc~actions->module~landuse_data_module proc~cn2_init cn2_init proc~cn2_init->module~landuse_data_module proc~cn2_init_all cn2_init_all proc~cn2_init_all->module~landuse_data_module proc~cntbl_read cntbl_read proc~cntbl_read->module~landuse_data_module proc~cons_prac_read cons_prac_read proc~cons_prac_read->module~landuse_data_module proc~dtbl_lum_read dtbl_lum_read proc~dtbl_lum_read->module~landuse_data_module proc~dtbl_res_read dtbl_res_read proc~dtbl_res_read->module~landuse_data_module proc~dtbl_scen_read dtbl_scen_read proc~dtbl_scen_read->module~landuse_data_module proc~hru_lum_init hru_lum_init proc~hru_lum_init->module~landuse_data_module proc~hru_output hru_output proc~hru_output->module~landuse_data_module proc~hru_read hru_read proc~hru_read->module~landuse_data_module proc~hrudb_init hrudb_init proc~hrudb_init->module~landuse_data_module proc~landuse_read landuse_read proc~landuse_read->module~landuse_data_module proc~lsreg_output lsreg_output proc~lsreg_output->module~landuse_data_module proc~overland_n_read overland_n_read proc~overland_n_read->module~landuse_data_module proc~plant_init plant_init proc~plant_init->module~landuse_data_module proc~proc_hru proc_hru proc~proc_hru->module~landuse_data_module proc~reg_read_elements reg_read_elements proc~reg_read_elements->module~landuse_data_module proc~structure_init structure_init proc~structure_init->module~landuse_data_module


Type Visibility Attributes Name Initial
type(land_use_management), public, dimension (:), allocatable :: lum
type(land_use_structures), public, dimension (:), allocatable :: lum_str
type(curvenumber_table), public, dimension (:), allocatable :: cn
type(land_use_mgt_groups), public :: lum_grp
type(conservation_practice_table), public, dimension (:), allocatable :: cons_prac
type(overlandflow_n_table), public, dimension (:), allocatable :: overland_n

Derived Types

type, public ::  land_use_management


Type Visibility Attributes Name Initial
character(len=40), public :: name = ""

name of the land use and management (from hru-data.hru pointer)

character(len=40), public :: cal_group = ""

calibration group (not currently used)

character(len=40), public :: plant_cov = ""

plant community initialization (pointer to plants.ini)

character(len=40), public :: mgt_ops = ""

management operations (pointer to management.sch)

character(len=40), public :: cn_lu = ""

land use for curve number table (pointer to cntable.lum)

character(len=40), public :: cons_prac = ""

conservation practice from table (cons_practice.lum)

character(len=40), public :: urb_lu = ""

type of urban land use- ie. residential, industrial, etc (urban.urb)

character(len=40), public :: urb_ro = ""

urban runoff model "usgs_reg", simulate using USGS regression eqs "buildup_washoff", simulate using build up/wash off alg

character(len=40), public :: ovn = ""

Manning"s "n" land use type for overland flow (ovn_table.lum)

character(len=40), public :: tiledrain = ""

tile drainage (pointer to tiledrain.str

character(len=40), public :: septic = ""

septic tanks (pointer to septic.str)

character(len=40), public :: fstrip = ""

filter strips (pointer to filterstrip.str)

character(len=40), public :: grassww = ""

grass waterways (pointer to grassedww.str)

character(len=40), public :: bmpuser = ""

user specified removal efficiency (pointer to bmpuser.str)

type, public ::  land_use_structures


Type Visibility Attributes Name Initial
integer, public :: plant_cov = 0
integer, public :: mgt_ops = 0
integer, public :: cn_lu = 0
integer, public :: cons_prac = 0
integer, public :: tiledrain = 0
integer, public :: septic = 0
integer, public :: fstrip = 0
integer, public :: grassww = 0
integer, public :: bmpuser = 0

type, public ::  curvenumber_table


Type Visibility Attributes Name Initial
character(len=40), public :: name = ""
real, public, dimension(4) :: cn = (/30., 55., 70., 77./)

type, public ::  land_use_mgt_groups


Type Visibility Attributes Name Initial
integer, public :: num = 0
character(len=40), public, dimension(:), allocatable :: name

type, public ::  conservation_practice_table


Type Visibility Attributes Name Initial
character(len=40), public :: name = ""
real, public :: pfac = 1.0
real, public :: sl_len_mx = 1.0

type, public ::  overlandflow_n_table


Type Visibility Attributes Name Initial
character(len=40), public :: name = ""
real, public :: ovn = 0.5
real, public :: ovn_min = 0.5
real, public :: ovn_max = 0.5