ch_read_sed Subroutine

subroutine ch_read_sed()


  • proc~~ch_read_sed~~UsesGraph proc~ch_read_sed ch_read_sed module~channel_data_module channel_data_module proc~ch_read_sed->module~channel_data_module module~input_file_module input_file_module proc~ch_read_sed->module~input_file_module module~maximum_data_module maximum_data_module proc~ch_read_sed->module~maximum_data_module
~ ~ ~ PURPOSE ~ ~ ~
this subroutine reads data from the lake water quality input file (.lwq).
This file contains data related to initial pesticide and nutrient levels
in the lake/reservoir and transformation processes occuring within the 
lake/reservoir. Data in the lake water quality input file is assumed to
apply to all reservoirs in the watershed.

Critical shear stress (N.m^2) Critical shear stress (N.m^2)

SWAT Default sediment routing routine Bank material is assumed to be silt type partcile if not given. Units are in Micrometer Bed material is assumed to be sand type partcile if not given. Units are in Micrometer Bulk density of channel bank sediment Silty loam bank

Bulk density of channel bed sediment

Sandy loam bed

An estimate of channel bank erodibility coefficient from jet test if it is not available Units of kd is (cm^3/N/s) Base on Hanson and Simon, 2001 An estimate of channel bed erodibility coefficient from jet test if it is not available Units of kd is (cm^3/N/s) Base on Hanson and Simon, 2001 !!!!!!!!!!JEFF CODE!!!!!!!!!!!!!

initialize flow routing variables

